Mythic Genius
Retreat Immersion
MARCH 17 — 19 | IBIZA
Join Suzanne Faith and Lauren Lee for Mythic Genius, a weekend retreat to explore the mythic archetypes of the Masculine and the Feminine through the lens of Visnu and Lakshmi.
The ancient stories and teachings of Hindu Mythology allow us to gain a deeper understanding of the spectrum of humanity. The mythic teachings remind us of the various archetypes and personalities within each of us. When we activate and embody these archetypes within ourselves, then humanity can evolve and align with a state of harmony.
Explore Visnu - an intelligence that supports the collective with defining new order, values and balance, and his consort Lakshmi - the Grace of Earth, who draws us closer to the regenerative properties that are available for us in Nature.
Journey through the body, mind and heart with teachings that remind you of your innate powers, skillsets and energies. Immerse into practices and conversations that help calm the nervous system and give practical tools on how to navigate this transformative period in history.
€225 | full
Students are encouraged to join the entire weekend to receive the most benefits from the program and to support the community.
What’s included
✔︎ Three days of live teaching fueled with Asana, Pranayama, Meditation, Storytelling, Philosophy lectures and guided conversations with contemplative work.
✔︎ Teachings rooted in Anusara, a non-dual Tantric lineage that focuses on cultivating greater balance through an integration of all parts of life: masculine with feminine, shadow with light, activity and rest, etc.
✔︎ An opportunity for reflection and self-development as you assimilate the philosophies of yoga to support you off the mat.
✔︎ An empowering and liberating immersion that will give you practical tools to stay in a space of clarity, calm and presence both on and off the mat.
✔︎ All yoga equipment, herbal teas and drinking water onsite.
Hosted at Open Space, Santa Gertrudis, Ibiza
Friday | March 17: Open to your Personal Visnu and Lakshmi
16:30 - 19:30: Welcome ceremony, storytelling and subtle body practices.
Saturday | March 18: Shape your Inner Kingdom
9:30 - 11:30: Asana, Pranayama and Meditation
Tea break
11:45 - 14:30: Immersion into Visnu
Lunch break
16:00 - 18:00: Immersion into Lakshmi
18:00 - 18:30: Closing Meditation, Chanting, Yoga Nidra
Sunday | March 19: Visnu and Lakshmi in this Modern World
9:30 - 11:30: Asana, Pranayama and Meditation
Tea break
11:45 - 14:00: Storytelling, Satsang, Meditation, Contemplation, Group exercises
14:00 - 14:30: Closing Ceremony